
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Drugstore Beauty Haul!

I recently turned fourteen, and with that, I received some birthday money. I had two options. First of all, I could save it and use it for something useful, like a new computer, and second of all, I could spend it on completely useless stuff that I don't need but want really badly. Well...knowing me, I went with the second option. To the drugstore it is!

I picked up several things that I've been eyeing for a while, including some eye products, "lippies", and nail polishes. My motto is you can never have enough lip products, because who wants to have cracked, dry lips, when you can have soft, moisturized lips? I definitely prefer the second option. 

These are all of the items I got!

First of all, let's start off with the eyeshadow palette you see below. That's the Maybelline quad in Chai Latte. It has some stunning colors in it, which is what originally attracted me to it. I've been using it a lot recently, and the gold color is definitely my favorite. Each color in the palette has words imprinted on where you are supposed to use it. The colors have nice pigmentation, and I would recommend this palette to anybody who is starting with makeup, or is looking for a neutral palette.

Look at those stunning colors!!

Next, I picked up a new mascara. I seriously have a problem with mascaras, because I have about ten more than anybody in their right mind would ever need. Yet I still buy more and more! Will I ever learn? Anyways, I got the Maybelline Colossal Volume Mascara. I really enjoy using this, because it is separating yet adds volume. If you don't remember the name, just remember it by the one in the bright yellow packaging, with the purple writing. Laker colors all the way! I'm from California, so what'd you expect? ;) 

Above, I have the color glam black, which is the darkest color.

You may think I'm done with Maybelline products, but I'm not even close. I had to get everything I saw! Next is the Maybelline Color Tattoo in "Inked in Pink". It's a gorgeous pink color, which immediately grabbed my attention since pink is my favorite color. The Color Tattoos are perfect if you're like me, and you don't have the patience to apply twenty different layers of eyeshadow before you get it the way you like it. With these, you swipe the color across your lid, anVoilĂ ! This is my second Color Tattoo, and I'm loving both of them! Yet another good product from Maybelline.

There's already a dent in it and I've only had it for a few days!

Can you even guess who the next product is by? Surprise!! Maybelline! Now we have a lip product. It's their Color Whisper lipstick in Pink Possibilities. I didn't have anything like this, so I thought I would give it a try. Can we just take a moment to talk about the packaging? Is that not the cutest thing you've seen?! The packaging alone would have sold me, let alone how moisturizing the actual lipstick is! 

The packaging is adorable! Point Maybelline! (Did you get my Harry Potter reference there? As in Griffindor? No? Okay...): haha)

Now we get to move on to Covergirl! Yay! I only got a lip product from them, but I have to say I am impressed! It's called "Sweet Tweet" from their new Smoochies line. I tried one of the lip balms from the Smoochies line before, and I was not happy. You could feel the glitter on your lips, which felt gritty and icky, but I thought I would give the line another try before I gave the whole line a thumbs down. I have to say they have redeemed themselves. This one doesn't give me that gross feeling, and is very moisturizing. It doesn't add a lot of color, which is nice, because I don't always want to wear a bright lip when going to school.

Look at the cute packaging and colors!!

Finally, I had to stop by the nail section at my drugstore. They remodeled the whole store, and added a nail bar!! That is my dream come true, and I was lucky I didn't pick up every nail polish and walk out. You may be wondering what a nail bar is, but it is basically a section filled on all sides with nail polish. One of my favorite brands of nail polish is Sally Hansen, so I stopped by their section, and I picked up two polishes. One is by the Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear line, called Pacific Blue. It is a stunning blue color, which immediately attracted me. Next, I got Wool-Lite by their Fuzzy Coat line, which are nail polishes that resemble fuzz on your nails.

I am super excited to rock these colors in the upcoming seasons! Who says pink and blue aren't fall colors?

I'll talk to you guys next week! Be sure to follow me to get more Naomi. :)

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