
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Makeup Tutorial for Beginners!

Wow. All I can say is long time no write! Even though it's only been about a week since I've last written on here, I can easily say it feels like it's been ages. I recently got a request to do a makeup tutorial for beginners. This is definitely a good place to start, because to be honest, I am a beginner. I usually stick to my usual makeup routine, or I look like a five year old tried to paint raccoon eyes on me. Let's just say I've had a few bad experiences experimenting with makeup.

This is what we're doing!
For this tutorial you're going to need a few basic makeup items.
-Neutral eyeshadow shades
-Mascara of your choice
-Lip don't want the cracked lip monster to come after you now do you?!

To start off, you're going to take a gold shadow  on a flat shader brush and apply this all over your lid, as well as beneath your lower lash line. Adding it below your lashes will add a beautiful pop of color. I am using "Half Baked" from the Naked 2 Palette.

Look at that pretty gold color! 

Next, you're going to take a matte light brown shadow, and using a blending brush, blend it into your crease. This will add dimension to your eyes, and because it's matte, will make your eyes not look like a glitter ball exploded on them. I'm using the color "Tease".

The look is already starting to come together! 

Once you have added a crease color, you're going to take a shimmery champagne color, and add it in your inner corner, to brighten up your eyes. I'm using "Bootycall". (Excuse the strange names). ;)

Look at how it brightens up your eyes!

Good news! We're almost done. Next, you're going to curl your lashes and apply the mascara of your choice. I'm using Maybelline's Colossal Volum Express Mascara, which I featured in my favorites video. Apply one or two coats of it. Whatever you like best. :) 

The mascara really makes a difference!

Finally, since we did a natural eye, we can add a pop of color on our lips. I'm using Maybelline's Color Whisper in Pink Possibilities. 

Now we're done with the look! :)

Here are some pictures of the final look. It's simple and easy to achieve, yet is cute any time of the year. I didn't add eyeliner or blush, but you can definitely do whatever makes you happy. 

Here's a pic of my entire face.

Follow me for more Naomi! It would make my day. :) Instagram • Facebook


  1. Replies
    1. Haha! No problem ;) Love you Julia!!

  2. OMG, seriously Naomi, I freaking love your blog!

    1. Thanks Stella!! I love your blog too <3 :)
