
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Common Beauty Mistakes!

As I walk around school, I realize there are mistakes that almost every girl makes when it comes to beauty. Whether it be they look like a caked up cream puff or a raccoon, there are several tips that can change the way you look everyday, for the better. However, these tips aren't just for teenagers, but for women of every age. I mean, you can't start making these mistakes just because you're 30! 

The "foundation lines" should be a new trend. ;) I'm sure people would totally rock it!

My first beauty mistake is having the wrong color foundation. There are so many people who choose the wrong color, which can be seen, because it doesn't match the color of their neck. An easy trick to finding your color is to put the color on your jawline, and find the best fit. If you're in a drugstore and don't have the luxury of testing the color, hold the bottles up to your face and choose the best match.

Yes, I'm aware these colors don't match. I don't wear foundation, so I borrowed my mom's! :) 

Now we're on to mistake number two! Let's just say I've seen my fair share of this happening at my school, and it is NOT an attractive look. This mistake is the over-usage of blush and bronzer. I know we want that sun-kissed tan and glowing cheeks, but for crying out loud, don't pour the whole container of bronzer on your face! It will start to look "muddy" which is a look we aren't trying to achieve.                                      

On the left: BAD :( On the right: GOOD :)
Now let's talk about lips. Aww, the infamous lip liner. Perfect for creating that perfect shape we all strive for when applying makeup. However, we all know those people that wear lip liner with a lipstick that's two shades lighter. This is a major don't. Not only will it make you look like much older, but is not attractive unless we're in the 1980's. I'd even go as far as saying it makes you look kind of scary or evil. If I were you, I'd stick to keeping it the same shade.                                                                                                                                         I know, my lips look strange. This is why we don't wear lip liner like this! :)

My fourth beauty mistake has to do with eyeliner. I know a lot of people wear eyeliner, but putting it on your waterline can be the wrong decision. I'm not saying to not do it, but I recommend only putting it on the outer half of your waterline. This is because if you put it in your inner corner, it will make your eyes look smaller and darker, which we don't want. However, if you want an eyeliner, grab a nude one! Stunning on everyone!!

Do you see how much more alive it makes you look?! It also doesn't make your eyes look so small!

Finally, we're back to the face. Let's talk about powder. If you don't know what powder is used for, it is used after your foundation, so your face doesn't get oily. However, many people put loads of this all over their face, which can really give you that "caked-on makeup" look. Powder is NOT a foundation, so you should not use it all over the face. It is supposed to be used in the places you get oily, so only use it it along the bridge of your nose and forehead. This will stop you from having a powdery face. 

Don't put powder on your cheeks unless you like looking like a cream puff!!

This is it for my common beauty mistakes! I hope you enjoyed! Now you know how to wear your makeup without making these simple mistakes that are easy to fix. Follow for more Naomi. :) It would make my day! Instagram • Facebook

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