
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

With Sleepovers Come Photos...

We all have those friends that want to constantly do something at sleepovers, while others just want to relax and watch the newest episode of Teen Wolf. *Cough* Olivia. However, sometimes we just want to dress up and have guessed shoot! Now I'm not saying I'm a professional photographer or anything, but Olivia has a really nice camera, so we thought it would be fun to take some fun photos! Well...if you're interested to see what we took, keep on reading!

Hey look it's me! *Gasp* 

After throwing on a dress, we ventured outside and tried to take "artsy" photos. Well, I don't know how artsy they are, but here you go. After countless times of screaming at me to put my hands in the air, I still wasn't sure what Olivia meant for me to do with my hands, so she had to come over and manually pose my hands into a heart. Smooth Naomi...

Look at my hands, they're a heart!

After this photo, we were both freezing our behinds off, so we went inside and Olivia posed me on the couch. Let me tell you, that girl is relentless. She would NOT let me take a photo of her! Anyways, she placed a book in front of me, and after 30 photos, we finally found a cute one! I know right, me, cute? I'm just as surprised as you are. ;) 

Is it sad that the whole time we were filming I was thinking about how the dirt of my shoes was getting on the couch? I'm such a weird child. 

Well, these were the only photos that came out well from the photo shoot. However, we took pictures for my next blog post! Tips for applying lipstick! How would a Tip Thursday sound? *Hint Hint* Here's a sneak peek (because I love you guys!)

Well, that's it for today! Let me know if you guys want to see more posts like this. They are super fun to make and take pictures!! Follow for more Naomi. It would make my day! :)

What do you like to do at sleepovers? 

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