
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tip Thursday: Lips!

Hi guys! Welcome back to my blog. Recently, my friend Olivia and I had a sleepover, and decided to take some pictures. She asked me if I wanted to take any for my blog, but I wasn't sure what post I was going to do! This being said, she came up the idea of doing tips for applying lipstick, so I said why not?  There's going to be a new segment on my blog called Tip Thursday...enjoy! 

Oh, the iconic lip picture. Read more to see my tips!

The first step you are going to do is create an even base. To do this, wet a washcloth, and scrub your lips to get rid of the yucky dead cells and gunk. This will ensure you have an even application. Isn't that what everybody wants?! If you have a lip scrub, even better! Use that instead.

Next, this may sound a little crazy, but next you're going to take concealer and cover your lips in it. maybe it sounds a lot crazy. Just trust me on this one! Yes, I'm aware I look like a ghost! No hate! 

*Tip*: It acts as a "primer" for your lips. It'll make your lipstick stay on much longer, as well as make the colors much more opaque. 

Now that the concealer has sucked the life out of your lips, and made them dry, restore the moisture with some lip balm. I personally really like the EOS lip balm in Sweet Mint, because it gives your lips that "minty" feeling. Is it okay for me to be a little proud of this picture? Even though I didn't take it, I absolutely love it! 

After you've applied the lip balm, you can line your lips. However, for this look, I didn't think it was necessary, so I skipped it. Lining your lips will give you "guidelines" for applying your lipstick, and can be used as a way to add dimension to your lips.

Now a tutorial on lips couldn't be complete without the lipstick, could it?! Take your favorite lipstick, and spread that sucker on your lips! Don't be afraid, because a little color can add a little personality to your look! 

*Tip*: If you feel like wearing red, opt for a "blue-toned" lipstick, because it will make your teeth look whiter!

Finally, pull out your favorite lipgloss, and top that lipstick with it! You can apply just to the center for a cool effect, or apply it all over, adding a glossy sheen. 

*Tip*: Put purple in the center of pink lips for a "multi-color" effect. 

That's it for today guys! Let me know what you think of my "Tip Thursdays". I would really appreciate it! Follow for more Naomi. :) It would make my day! 
What are your tips for applying lipstick?

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