
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cute and Easy Flower Design!

Everybody has those days where we want to feel pretty and feminine. For me, this may be dressing up in a cute little outfit or painting my nails. More often than not, I end up sitting at my desk, yet again, deciding what color nail polish would look best with my outfit. I mean, I'm a nail polish junkie, what can I say? It's not my fault! Oh wait, maybe it is. Oh well! You only live once! (According to kids these days). Today, I'm going to be demonstrating how to achieve this cute flower nail design, which is extremely easy, yet can add a girly touch to any girl's day.

Click to get the 411 on these nails! You know you want to...(;

To create this design, you are going to need several tools:
1) A matte polish!
2) A blue base color!
3) A light pink, orange and white color!
4) A top coat!
5) A medium-sized dotting tool!

These are all of the tools you will need! Don't you like my professional photography skills? I mean, the reflection and everything! I should be a professional photographer. ;)

The matte top coat really adds dimension, and almost makes the design look like it's part of a cartoon!

The first step you are going to do is paint your nails two coats of your light blue color. Once you have done this, you are going to add a matte top coat over this. Of course, if you don't like a little adventure, you can skip this step. I mean, matte nails?! WAY out of my comfort zone! (I'm just messin' with you).

The orange goes with the blue because they are complementary colors, which match!

Once you've let the matte top coat dry, you are going to take your dotting tool, dip it into the color of your choice, and start making flowers. To make the flowers, you take the dotting tool, and make five dots in the shapes of flowers on your nail. You're going to finish it off with a different color dot in the middle, which will really finish off the design. Now, it's okay if your flowers aren't perfect, because as Hannah Montana once said, "Nobody's perfect!"

The whole design is sure to get a lot of attention!

Your last and final step is to take your top coat, and carefully place it over the flowers, being careful not to get it on the matte part. I may not be the best example, because a ton of nail polish got onto my nail. I mean, who really cares anyways? Once you have done this, you are done with your design! Good luck! 

This is the completed design! Happy painting. :)

Follow me to get more Naomi! :) It would make my day!


  1. I love the way you incorporate humor into your helpful information and tips! :) How long did it take you to paint your nails this way? (I'm kind of impatient when it comes to painting nails.) I personally think your tutorials are really useful because they're easy to follow and fun! Keep up the good work. ;)

    1. Haha thanks!! They took me like 15 minutes, which actually isn't too bad. :P
