
Friday, December 13, 2013

5 Quick Tips to Enhance Your Natural Beauty!

Sometimes, you may see someone and think, "Oh my God, why did a carrot throw up on her face?!" Well, at my school, I see a lot of girls that are obviously caked in makeup and could really use a sheet of makeup remover. Sometimes we get too caught up with society's perception of "beauty", that we focus more on our flaws than our beautiful features that were given to us. That's why we need to learn to enhance our natural beauty, instead of covering it up and becoming someone we're not. Here are some of my quick tips towards achieving your full natural beauty.

These are just some of the tips!
1) My first step is probably the most obvious, yet many people abuse this simple trick. Sleep. You know, there's a reason they call it beauty sleep! Getting more sleep will allow you to look more awake, which will brighten your whole complexion. Instead of looking like you have a black eye from those dark circles, simply turn off the Netflix at a set time every night and go to sleep! Not only will this improve your natural beauty, but you will ultimately be a happier person.

Sleep!! Okay so this is a really awkward :P

2) Instead of covering up your face with pounds of foundation and concealer, why not simply take care of your skin? My next tip is skincare. There are so many products for acne-prone skin and blemishes, that there's no reason you shouldn't pick one up. Wash your face twice a day with one of these products, and after a few weeks you will surely see an improvement in your skin.

As you can see I am the QUEEN of awkward here's me just being my normal, strange, crazy self. :) Yes, I know, I'm playing with a towel on my face...

So at this point I don't even know what I'm doing with my life

3) Hair. It's as simple as it sounds. Take care of your hair! Now, I'm not saying go to the salon everyday and get your hair done, but I'm saying you need to take care of it. That is one of the first things someone notices about you, and nobody wants to see a girl with a rats nest on top of her head. If you go to get a haircut, know what you want, and if you're not sure, ask your hair stylist to give you a haircut that frames your face. Make sure you don't dye your hair, or curl your hair everyday, because it will become dried out and become ruined.

This is my failed attempt at trying to model my hair so we can just get the general idea and move on...;)

4) This is one of the easiest steps to achieve. To really enhance your natural beauty, go light on the makeup! There's nothing easier than this. Instead of using a foundation to cover up everything, use a powder or BB cream, which has some coverage, but won't make you look caked in makeup. For eyes, stick to light-colored eyeshadows and mascara, because they will really make your eyes pop, without being too intense. If you're looking for a lip product, reach for a rosy color, which is the closest color to your natural lip.

These are pretty natural eyes...yay for not wearing ten pounds of makeup ;) Take a hint girls!!

5) My final step is confidence. There is nothing more important than this. It doesn't matter what size or shape you are, as long as you're confident. Nobody wants to watch someone constantly put themselves down. If you have confidence and hold your head high, everybody will respect you and like being around you. Remember that you look the way you do for a reason, and your natural beauty will shine through. 

Hopefully you learned something from this blog post. I know it's not my normal blog post that shows you how to paint your nails or talks about my favorite mascara. I think it's really important that every girl is confident in themselves, because nowadays, almost nobody is. It's essential for you to be confident and everyone around you will see it. 

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