
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Outfits Of The Week!

Okay, so I'm gonna be honest. I completely stole this idea from Maddi's blog, but I mean, come on, no harm done. ;) If you don't know what this is, it's basically where I take pictures of my outfits every day of the week, and at the end, show you all of them. I love looking at them because you can see people's personalities and styles. Yes, I know, not everything I wear will be everyones favorite, but come on people, I think you can handle it. :) Well, let's get in to it!

These are all of my outfits this week! :)

Well, I'm not gonna lie. It is FRICKIN FREEZING in Utah. It was -24 degrees! You know what, I think school should be canceled if it's anything below 32. Well, if that were the case, winter break may be extended a couple of weeks...or months. With this being said, I decided to dress comfortably, yet make the outfit cute. So, I decided to pair comfy leggings with a cute sweater and shoes.

In this outfit, my shoes are Uggs, my leggings are from TJ Maxx, and my sweater is from Pacsun. If you don't have these items than you can just pair a comfortable  sweater with some boots and leggings. Ugh, I could just sleep in these clothes. Is that weird? Oh well, being normal is BORING. :) 

Yay! We have gotten through Monday alive! Happiness! Oh wait, now it's Tuesday. Yuck. Disgusting. Not even halfway through the week. Oh well. As the days drag on, I force myself to actually get out of bed instead of sitting around doing nothing like a sloth. Well, I guess I was feeling a little crazy, because this outfit is definitely more edgy than I'd normally wear. YOLO. Lol, how about nolo. 

My shoes today are sneaker wedges!! Fooled ya! I didn't actually grow 3 inches. Hehe. Oops! I think they are super cute, and can definitely add a feminine touch. My shoes are from Amazon. If you couldn't tell, my leggings have a faux-leather stripe on the side, and I am wearing a muscle tank that says "Make the moment count." They're both from Pacsun. I know, I know, my shirt is very inspirational and deep.  
Happy Hump Day!!! Halfway through the week! Hip Hip hurray! Only two more torturous days of waking up at the crack of dawn and hours of homework, and then the weekend. I'm going to be completely honest. Ever since I discovered the comfort of leggings, I've been avoiding wearing jeans as long as I can. However, I do have to occasionally wear jeans, so I'm not wearing the same thing everyday. Today I went for a casual look, that can be styled many different ways.

Okay, so there's a giant cat on my shirt. That's not creepy at all. ;)

I had to add this picture so you can see the back of my shoes. They have bows on them! BOWS. And they're pink!! If there was one shoe that was completely "me", this would be it. They are the pink Bailey Bow Uggs. My jeans are from Pacsun, and my shirt is from Forever 21. If you couldn't tell, my favorite store is Pacsun. Their clothes are ADORABLE. 

Thursday! Thank the heavens above. Almost the weekend. As the countdown continues, I get up, go to school, die, and go home again. Woohoo. Sometimes a girl just wants to wear a cute little outfit and dress herself up. Well, today was one of those days. I know, a skirt isn't for everybody. However, I like to add variety in my daily wardrobe, and this is one of the simplest ways I do it.

Yes, I know, so fancy. I too am very proud of myself for putting this on in the morning when it's absolutely freezing in my room.

As you can see, I'm wearing a flower muscle tee tucked into a skater skirt, and a cardigan, all from Pacsun. To top it off I am wearing plain black tights, but I'm not sure where they're from. My shoes are the black patent leather Docs I got for my birthday. I think this outfit came together really nicely, and is very "winter-appropriate" with the tights. 


AHH. FRIDAY. It is finally here! If you haven't noticed, I really look forward to Friday. I love the idea of not having to do all of my homework right away (procrastination), going to bed late (never a good idea) and hanging with friends (LOL, I know right, I have friends). I'm just kidding. ;) However, I was feeling really lazy, so my outfits pretty similar to Monday's outfit. Leggings and a sweater. Well, here we go!

My hair is in a top knot! I'm finding my inner Teletubby. 

                                                                          MY SWEATER HAS A UNICORN ON IT. Yes, I know, this obviously isn't everybody's favorite sweater. However, I think it's really cute and is super warm and comfortable. It works for me! My sweater's from Pacsun, and my leggings are from TJ Maxx. 
Well, this is it for my outfits of the week. I had a lot of fun taking pictures of my outfits, even if it was freezing and I felt like a human popsicle. Leave suggestions below for posts you want me to create. As you can see, some of my outfits are very casual, yet some are fun or dressy. I hope you got some inspiration from this post!

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  1. Your Thursday outfit was to die for! So was this post! This is such a cool idea, keep it up chica!

  2. Aww thanks Grace! Love yah girl! <3

  3. I LOVE this post! Your personality really shines through in both your outfits and your writing! My favorite outfits of these are Monday's and Thursday's. I'm a big fan of the comfy yet stylish, although I usually only pull off the comfy part of it. ;) I like to get inspiration from other people's outfits, so I would love to see another post like this! :)
