
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Drugstore Beauty Gift Guide!

Every year when the holidays come up, we wonder what to get our friends and family. It's always a challenge, trying to decide what to get them, while at the same time hoping they'll like what you got them. Everybody has their own taste, which is why I came up with several beauty ideas for the holidays that are sure to get a lot of likes. Each gift is different, yet is customizable to anybody's liking.

If you see this expression on your friends face, you know you hit the target on their gift. 

Gift 1: Touch Ups

This gift is for those girls who like little things they can use to touch up on their makeup during the day. Your makeup may start to wear off during the day, which is why this is a really easy and cool gift to give. Throughout the day, you start to smell like a pig, look like a shiny mess, and have dirty hands. Everything below helps fight all of these disgusting factors, from a matte powder to perfume to hand sanitizer. 

Gift 2: Makeup Enthusiasts 

The next gift is for those girl who really like makeup, but are just getting started. I have added a few products I enjoy and think would be good for anybody who is just beginning with makeup. First, pop in an NYC eyeshadow palette. It comes with a primer and shadows, making the perfect beginning set. Next, put in your favorite mascara and lash curler. If you want to add a little extra, add your favorite blush and lipstick. This is the perfect gift for your friend that really enjoys makeup.

Gift 3: Lip Lovers

We all have those friends. Honestly, I'm one of those types of people. I have way too many lip products, yet I still constantly find myself buying more. That's why I decided to make this gift. For those lip lovers like me. You can go with some of the products I use, or add some of your own products not mentioned. I added a lip balm, lip butter, lip gloss, lip stick, and baby lips. Notice a trend? Lips. 

Gift 4: Nail Fanatic

Finally, while coming up with ideas, I had to add a nail gift. Every girl has those friends that love doing their nails. I definitely fall into that category. For the best gift, I recommend adding two polishes. One for an accent nail and one for the rest. Pop in a top coat, so they can have smooth, shiny nails. Next, add an inexpensive nail file. Finally, if you know they're into designs, add nail stickers. I love using these, because they are easy to use, yet make your nails look professionally done. 

You may like everything in my gift sets, or just a few of them. However, each of them is customizable in their own way, which makes them great gifts for everybody. Let me know if you try any of these gifts, or come up with your own idea! XOXO :*

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