
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Grab It Or Bag It: Loreal Butterfly Mascara Review

While thinking of ideas on my blog, I had an ingenious idea of making a new "segment" on my blog. I am calling it Grab It Or Bag It! I know...I am a genius. Basically, I'm going to be having a review on products, and they are either going to be amazing (Grab it), or complete crap (Bag it).

Today, I'm going to be reviewing the Loreal Butterfly Mascara. Well, enough of my blabbering on, let's get into it!

So, here's my idea of an artsy artsy, I know...

This is the packaging of the mascara!

First, let's talk about the packaging. It is very sleek, with black lines flaring out from the center, like "butterfly" wings. It feels very sturdy. On the other hand, unless you use your mascara bottle as a hammer, I think every package "feels" sturdy. Another good thing is the size. The packaging of some mascaras are so big it needs like its own frickin shelf in your makeup collection because you can't fit it in on your "mascara" shelf. What are they thinking? A mascara needs to be practical at least  to some extent...LEARN THIS COMPANIES

Obviously, this is the brush...don't ask why I'm telling you this; I mean, you're not blind...

Now we get to the real FUN part. The brush! I have never seen any brush like this, because I mean, there are spikes everywhere. That's awesome. You can't deny it. It's meant to give you those "flared out butterfly-like lashes". Whatever helps your product sell in the marker today, right? Pull out your thinking caps!

The only problem I have is that unless you're ambidextrous, which I mean, most of us aren't, it's hard to use on your left eye. I get those amazing lashes on my right eye, and then on my left eye, it looks like I told a raccoon to give me their signature look. Let's just say it's a MESS. Well, time to pull out the makeup remover. Thank God for whoever invented it. 

These are my lashes before...and after!

Are you ready to see some creepy close-ups of my eyes?! Well, if you aren't, TOO BAD. I'm just kidding. There's no bullying here at Treasure Mountain. Rock n' roll. Obviously, these are my eyes before and after the mascara, and it may work differently on you. Before, my lashes are nonexistent, and with it, my lashes are actually noticeable. It definitely lengthens as well as adds volume, but doesn't clump up too easily.

Overall, I've been enjoying this mascara, and will keep you updated on my thoughts. Some parts of it are good, while some of them are bad. Here's a list of my pros and cons:

-Lengthens as well as adds volume
-Gives you those "winged" lashes
-Formula: not too wet or dry
-Curls lashes

-Hard to use on your left eye

The verdict: Grab it!

Let me know what your thoughts are on this mascara! Did you like it? TELL MEEE.
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