
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snowflake Toe Art!

Please, please, please don't kill me. I know, I've completely neglected you guys. I haven't written on here since last year! Wow, it feels like last year was last week. Oh wait...

Happy New Years everybody! 2k14 is here! Time to start going to the gym and fulfilling those New Year resolutions! Wait...wasn't that supposed to happen last week? Oops... I'll just go to the gym next year. I want to be lazy for another year. that we got past that terribly awkward intro, I thought I would share a little tutorial with you, on how to get these amazing toes! (I'm warning you, there are pictures of my feet, so if you have a weird foot fetish, please click the exit button now.) Anyway, on to the tutorial! Scroll down for this awesome snowflake pedicure!!

Keep reading for this! :)
Tools you will need:

-Blue nail polish
-White nail polish
-Dotting tool/toothpick

These are the tools you will need! :)

See, that's not too bad. I mean, in some tutorials they'll be like, "You need blue, orange, red, pink, chartreuse, indigo, tickle-me pink, and the blood of a sheep to create this tutorial." But...that's not how I roll. So, let's got started! To start, paint all of your toes two coats of the blue. just did that and it looks like you took Sharpie and told a three year old to draw on your feet? Good, we're on the same page. Take some acetone and clean up around the edges so it doesn't look completely terrible. 

Once you wait for this to dry, you're going to take your striper, and on your big toe paint eight diagonal lines as shown below. 

Yes, it takes some time, but don't rush!

Now...the fun part!! Take your dotting tool and dip it into some white polish. Place four dots on the lines that are horizontal and vertical, giving the illusion of a snowflake. Once you've done this, place some dots around your nail. Make them vary in size, so they are more interesting.

Wow, I could be a foot model. People would be like, "DAYUMMMM DAT FOOT." 

Now, you could stop here, or continue like I did. Basically, I added dots to the right side of my toes. I definitely think this added to the whole "snowflake" illusion, because it looks like snow, but I mean, if you don't want to do it, don't. Whatever floats your boat, right?

This is the final look!

Yay, we're done! I absolutely love this look and will be rocking it in my sandals and flip flops! Oh wait, there's snow outside... I know! I'll cut holes in my boots so you can see my toes. I AM TRULY A GENIUS. 

That last part was a joke. I wouldn't actually do that. ;) 

Share your recreations with me via Instagram or Facebook! Follow for more Naomi!

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