
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Baby Lips Pink'ed Collection!

Okay. You have absolutely no idea how excited I am to be writing this blog post. If you weren't aware, I absolutely adore Maybelline Baby Lips. I have always thought they worked well, and my favorites have been the original collection. However, I recently ventured out of my room and into Rite-Aid, and have stumbled upon their new spring collection. It is called their "Pink'ed Collection". I'm aware I recently did a lipstick review, but another can't hurt, right? If you're interesting in reading my review, continue reading!

You can't imagine the weird looks when I got down on my knees and started taking pictures of the display...

To start off, can we take a moment to look at the packaging. It has to be the cutest so far! They all have a light pink tube with a different color base and different color writing. They are all spring-themed, and incredibly cute. The packaging stays closed fairly well, so that's not an issue you would have to worry about.

Do you now understand why I absolutely love the packaging?

There are five colors in the line, yet I decided to pick up ones I thought would add a little color. The ones I didn't pick up were either clear or had little pigmentation. I got one called "Pop of Pink", which is the light bubblegum pink on the right. I then got "Rose Rush", which is a gorgeous coral/rose color. Finally, the last one, which has the most pigmentation is "Very Berry". 

My absolute favorite is "Very Berry", because it has the most pigmentation, yet smells amazing. They all tend to smell like fruit punch and bubblegum. While they are Baby Lips, "Very Berry" acts more like a lipstick. 

Above are the colors from left to right: Very Berry, Rose Rush, and Pop of Pink

Below I have added pictures of each Baby Lips. It starts with Pop of Pink, goes to Rose Rush, and then Very Berry. They are darker in the tube than they are on the lips, but there is still a lot of color on the lips.

Below I have swatches of all of them. They are definitely more pigmented on the lips, but below you can see the general color. The texture of them is much less oily than the original Baby Lips, which I enjoy because you don't feel like they slip off of your lips. Before you buy them be aware of the fact that "Pop of Pink" is really light, and will pair best with light skin. On the other hand, the other two are perfect for any complexion to add a light pop of color. 

Above are the three swatched on my hand: Pop of Pink, Rose Rush, and Very Berry

Overall, I have really been enjoying these and playing around with them. The texture's great, and the color's are gorgeous also. I'd definitely recommend these for any of those Baby Lip lovers. That's it for this week on Naomi's Beauty Buzz. I hope you enjoyed! Follow for more Naomi. :) It would make my day!

Which one's do you think you'll be picking up at the drugstore?

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